Are you suffering from headaches, migraines, insomnia, visual issues or eye ache? Maybe you have dental issues, sinus problems, TMJ issues, loss of smell, ear disturbances, including balance, neck pain, etc. All of these issues may be due to misalignment of your skull bones.
Wellness Life Zone, Foot Zone Academy, foot zone education in Utah, discovered several foot zone acupressure/reflexology signals for the cranial bones. This discovery is huge for cranial related issues. A slight misalignment of the cranial bones may occur due to a difficult birth, poor posture, a fall, minor and major head injuries from sports, etc. Foot zoning, these newly discovered acupressure/reflexology points, will trigger the body’s innate blueprint to realign the cranial bones and resolve many health-related issues.
Your head consists of 14 facial bones and 8 skull bones. If you have ever had craniosacral therapy, you are very well aware that cranial bones are not fused together. Cranial bones are attached by suture joints and connective tissue and are filled with nerves and tiny blood vessels. The medical definition of joints is: the area where two bones are attached for the purpose of permitting body parts to move. A joint is usually formed of fibrous connective tissue. Although sutures joints are mainly fibrous joints, they do allow subtle movement for the cranial bones.
Suture joints bring cranial bones together much like a jig-saw puzzle, and a slight misalignment of one cranial bone can be felt in an entirely different region of the cranium similar to the effects of plate tectonics.
Highlighted below are major cranial bones associated with sinuses that may be affecting your health.
Ethmoid bone This bone is a midline bone that forms the roof of the nasal cavity, upper nasal septum, and the nasal concha where the olfactory fibers attach. The olfactory nerves for smell pass through openings of this bone into the brain. It also has a ridge called the crista galli, an attachment site where the dura mater (outermost covering of the brain) attaches, suspending the brain in the cranium. It is also one of many bones forming the eye socket. Misalignment of this bone may affect:
- Smell
- Sinus issues
Zygomatic bones are commonly referred to as the cheekbones, forming the prominent points of the cheeks and forming the lateral and floor regions of the eye sockets. Each bone articulates to three other bones of the cranium. If there is misalignment for these bones, one may experience:
- Eye problems
- Sinus problems
Frontal bone houses the frontal sinuses, reducing the weight of the skull, and helps with vocal tone. A small gap between the frontal bone and brain houses the cerebrospinal fluid of the cranium. Misalignment of this bone may affect:
- Change in voice tone
- Sinus congestion
- Loss of smell
- Sinus headaches
- Eye strain, or pain
Temporal bones join the mandible (lower jaw bone) to the cranium, house the internal structures of the ear, which also affect muscles associated with the tongue and pharynx. Misalignment of one of these bones may affect:
- TMJ (jaw issues)
- Hearing issues
- Dizziness
- Balance
- Swallowing
Sphenoid bone is called the “keystone bone” because it is in contact with all other cranial bones. It is probably the most important bone of the skull because it makes up the floor of the skull, houses the pituitary gland, and can affect the cerebral spinal fluid. If the sphenoid bone is misaligned one may experience:
- Hormonal imbalance
- Insomnia
- Brain fog
- TMJ (jaw issues)
- Eye pain or issues
- Migraines
Parietal bones are found directly behind the frontal bone. These bones form the upper sides and top of the cranium. These bones are a passageway for blood vessels and nerves called the parietal foramen. The parietal bone structures articulate with each other at the top of the cranium, and with several other cranial bones including, the frontal bone, occipital bone, temporal bones, sphenoid bone, and the ethmoid bone. Misalignment of these bones may cause one to experience:
- Visual problems
- Attention problems
- Sleep issues
- Headaches/migraines
Vomer bone is a mid-line bone located along the roof of the mouth and forms the septum between the left and right nasal cavities. If this bone is misaligned, one may experience:
- Deviated septum
- Sinus issues
- headaches
- Breastfeeding issues for infants
Lacrimal bones are small facial bones. They also help form the anterior medial wall of the eye socket. The lacrimal bones form a depression along the maxilla bones that hold the lacrimal sac where tears form, then drain through a duct into the nasal cavity. Misalignment of one of these bones may cause one to experience:
- Excessive lacrimal fluid (weeping eye)
- Lack of lacrimal fluid (dry eye)
- Sinus issues
- Headache
Stimulating a healing effect for these sinus-related cranial bones can be helped by those trained in the best foot zone therapy through Wellness Life Zone, Foot Zone Academy, where these acupressure/reflexology signals were discovered.
To find a professionally a highly trained Foot Zone Practitioner near you who understands these advanced signals, go to our directory at where you will find qualified foot zone practitioners and foot zone instructors. For more information about foot zoning, you may also access our free videos in the toolbar of our home page.
Article by:
Amber Jensen
Co-Owner of Wellness Life Zone, Foot Zone Academy
Listed below are the following most common foot zone titles:
- Certified by Dr. Ersdal (father of foot zone therapy) – Foot Zone Therapist
- Certified by Wellness Life Zone, Foot Zone Academy – Foot Zone Practitioner
- Certified by Nordblom Institute – Foot Zonologist, or Zonologist (trademark)
- commonly used nick names for some certified practitioners or a hobbiest – footzoner, foot zoner, or zoner